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Eutelsat 16A (16°E) - HDTV

Yörüngesel pozisyon Uydu Norad .ini News Kanallar Yalnız havayı ac Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation son güncelleme
16.0°E Eutelsat 16A 37836 752 228 16°E 0.07° 0.07° N/A N/A 2025-03-11 02:22

Bu lisanı kullanıyoruz: Yayın seç Sıralayan: Şifre: Ekran modu:

203 Kayıt(lar) - Frekansa göre sıralama - en son guncelleme: 2025-03-11 02:22 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
16.0°E 4Eutelsat 16A 10721.00HA01Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/5Network, 52.2 Mb/s 3667 KingOfSat charts update form
Ginx undefined Çocuklar eClutch Conax 1001 1011 1012 eng  1010  1011    2024-03-06 +
Bigg TV undefined Çeşitli eClutch Conax 1002 1021 1022  1020  1021    2024-03-06 +
Esports Legend undefined Oyun eClutch Conax 1005 1051 1052 eng  1050  1051    2024-03-12 +
eClutch Live undefined Oyun ECLUTCH Conax 1006 1061 1062 eng  1060  1061    2024-07-10 +
16.0°E 9Eutelsat 16A 10762.25HA03Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/5Digitalb Satellite, 52.2 Mb/s 36620300 KingOfSat charts update form
RTV Ora Arnavutluk Çeşitli Digit Alb Conax 1180 1181 1182 alb  1180  1181    2023-07-24 +
T HD Arnavutluk Filmler Digit Alb Conax 1400 1401 1402 alb  1400  1401    2019-07-18 +
Supersport 7 HD Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 1420 1421 1422 alb
1423 eng 
1420  1421    2023-09-12 +

ORA News HD Arnavutluk Haberler Digit Alb Conax 1440 1441 1442 alb  1440  1441    2023-07-24 +
Film Hits HD Arnavutluk Filmler Digit Alb Conax 1480 1481 1482 alb  1480  1481    2019-07-18 +
Film Aksion HD Arnavutluk Filmler Digit Alb Conax 1500 1501 1502 alb  1500  1501    2019-07-18 +
Top News Arnavutluk Haberler Digit Alb sifresiz 1520 1521 1522 alb
1520  1521    2023-06-08 +
Top Channel HD Arnavutluk Genel Digit Alb Conax 1540 1541 1542 alb  1540  1541    2019-09-05 +
Film Komedi HD Arnavutluk Filmler Digit Alb Conax 4930 4931 4932 alb  4930  4931    2025-02-10 +
16.0°E 7Eutelsat 16A 10803.75HA05Europe BDVB-S28PSK29950 2/3Digitalb Satellite, 58 Mb/s 36620500 KingOfSat charts update form
Euronews Albania Fransa Haberler Digit Alb sifresiz 2000 2001 2002 alb  2000  2001    2019-12-04 +
Klan HD Arnavutluk Genel Digit Alb Conax 2010 2011 2012 alb  2010  2011    2020-12-19 +
Supersport 5 HD (Albania) Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 2020 2021 2022 alb  2020  2021    2019-07-18 +
Supersport 6 HD Albania Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 2030 2031 2032 alb  2030  2031    2019-07-18 +
A2 CNN Arnavutluk Haberler Digit Alb Conax 3300 3301 3302 alb  3300  3301    2019-07-18 +
Film Autor HD Arnavutluk Filmler Digit Alb Conax 4900 4901 4902 alb  4900  4901    2025-02-10 +
KTV Kohavision HD Arnavutluk Genel Digit Alb Conax 5080 5081 5082 alb  5080  5081    2024-04-23 +
16.0°E 7Eutelsat 16A 10845.25HA07Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/5Digitalb Satellite, 52.2 Mb/s 36620700 KingOfSat charts update form
Gold HD Albania Arnavutluk Entertainment Digit Alb Conax 1001 1011 1012 alb  2402  1011    2021-10-19 +
Max HD Albania Arnavutluk Entertainment Digit Alb Conax 1002 1021 1022 alb  2403  1021    2021-10-19 +
SuperSport HD-1 Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 1004 1041 1042 alb
1043 eng 
1100  1041    2021-04-22 +
SuperSport HD-2 Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 1005 1051 1052 alb
1053 eng 
1101  1051    2021-04-22 +
SuperSport HD-3 Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 1006 1061 1062 alb
1063 eng 
2405  1061    2019-07-18 +
SuperSport HD-4 Arnavutluk Spor Digit Alb Conax 1007 2161 2162 alb
2163 eng 
1307  2161    2021-04-22 +
Travel Channel HD İngiltere Seyahat A1 Conax 3700 2121 2122 eng
2123 cze 
3700  2121    2024-02-10 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 10886.75HA09Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/5Digitalb Satellite, 52.2 Mb/s 36620900 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
ATV HD Albania Arnavutluk Genel Digit Alb Conax 910 911 912 alb  910  911    2024-04-23 +
Dorcel HD undefined Adult Digit Alb Conax 1007 2141 2142 eng
2143 fra 
1305  2141    2024-08-04 +
MTV Live HD İngiltere Müzik Digit Alb
Total TV
Irdeto 2
3200 3201 3202 eng  3200  3201    2021-04-22 +
Playboy HD U.S.A. Erotic Digit Alb Conax 3240 3241 3242 eng
3243 fra 
3240  3241    2024-08-04 +
ABC News HD (Albania) Arnavutluk Haberler Digit Alb Conax 3260 3261 3262 alb  3260  3261    2021-04-22 +
Animal Planet HD İngiltere Belgeseller A1 Conax 4700 2101 2102 eng
2103 cze 
4700  2101    2024-02-11 +
16.0°E 8Eutelsat 16A 10928.25HA11Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/5EUTELSAT 16E, 52.2 Mb/s 36621100 KingOfSat charts update form
Viasat History HD İsveç Tarih A1 Broadcasting Conax 1106 2601 2602 vo  2661  2601    2020-11-10 +
Epic Drama HD Polonya Seriler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1107 2201 2202 vo  2262  2201    2021-04-07 +
Viasat Explore HD İsveç Belgeseller A1 Broadcasting Conax 1108 2501 2502 vo  2563  2501    2020-11-10 +
Viasat True Crime HD Czech Çekiye Real TV Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
1109 1901 1902 eng
1903 cze 
1900  1901    2024-12-24 +
Epic Drama undefined Filmler OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
1112 2201 2202 vo
2203 lit
2204 bul
2205 tur
2206 cze
2207 hun
2208 rus 
2200  2201    2021-04-25 +
Viasat Nature HD İsveç Belgeseller Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
1114 2401 2402 vo
2403 rus
2404 cze
2405 hun 
2400  2401  2433  2020-09-20 +
Viasat Explore HD İsveç Belgeseller Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
1115 2501 2502 vo
2503 rus
2504 tur
2505 cze
2506 hun
2507 bul 
2500  2501    2020-09-20 +
Viasat History HD İsveç Tarih Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
1116 2601 2602 vo
2603 swe
2604 nor
2605 den
2606 cze
2607 rus
2608 tur
2609 hun 
2600  2601    2019-11-19 +
16.0°E 1Eutelsat 16A 10971.50HB01Europe ADVB-S28PSK29700 2/3n/a 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
BISS 11 31 33 eng  32  31    2024-12-21
16.0°E 13Eutelsat 16A 11055.00VB04Europe BDVB-S2QPSK27500 4/5EUTELSAT 16A, 43.6 Mb/s 36630400 KingOfSat charts update form
AMC Central Europe HD Çekiye Filmler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1151 1101 1102 aac cze
1103 aac qaa 
1100  1101    2022-01-18 +
TV Barrandov Çekiye Entertainment A1 Broadcasting Conax 1152 1201 1202 aac cze  1200  1201    2022-02-01 +
CT 1 HD Çekiye Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 1153 1301 1302 aac cze  1300  1301  1331  2022-02-01 +
CT 24 HD Çekiye Haberler Antik Sat sifresiz 1154 1401 1402 cze  1400  1401    2018-08-11 +
CT 2 HD Çekiye Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 1156 1601 1602 aac cze  1600  1601    2022-02-01 +
Arena Sport 1 HD Slovakia Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1157 1701 1702 slk
1703 slk 
1700  1701    2022-01-18 +
HBO HD Czech Çekiye Filmler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1158 1801 1802 aac cze
1803 aac eng 
1800  1801    2022-01-18 +
Nova Sport HD Çekiye Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1160 101 2002 aac cze  2000  101    2024-03-26 +
Prima COOL Slovakia Slovakia Entertainment A1 Broadcasting Conax 1161 2101 2102 aac cze  2100  2101    2024-05-29 +
Prima Max HD Çekiye Filmler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1164 2401 2402 aac cze  2400  2401    2022-02-01 +
Prima TV Slovakia HD Slovakia Entertainment A1 Broadcasting Conax 1165 2501 2502 aac cze  2500  2501    2024-05-29 +
Sport 1 HD Czech Çekiye Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1166 2601 2602 aac cze
2603 aac slk 
2600  2601    2022-01-18 +
JOJ Sport 2 HD Slovakia Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1168 2801 2802 slk
2803 mul 
2800  2801    2025-02-01 +
16.0°E 13Eutelsat 16A 11094.00VB04Europe BDVB-S2QPSK27500 4/5EUTELSAT 16A, 43.6 Mb/s 36630401 KingOfSat charts update form
Eurosport 2 HD Fransa Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1201 1101 1102 aac cze
1103 aac eng 
1100  1101    2022-02-01 +
TV Lux HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 1202 1201 1202 aac slk  1200  1201    2024-07-25 +
Nova HD Çekiye Genel Antik Sat Conax 1203 1301 1302 aac cze  1300  1301    2021-04-15 +
Markiza Klasik HD Slovakia Entertainment A1 Broadcasting Conax 1204 1401 1402 aac slk  1400  1401    2024-07-21 +
RTVS 24 HD Slovakia Haberler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1205 1501 1502 aac slk
1503 aac mis 
1500  1501  1542  2025-01-17 +
HBO 2 HD Adria U.S.A. Filmler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1209 1901 1902 aac cze
1903 aac eng 
1900  1901    2022-01-18 +
Arena Sport 2 HD Slovakia Slovakia Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1210 2001 2002 slk  2000  2001    2022-02-01 +
Extasi TV
Italya Adult Antik Sat Conax 1211 2101 2102 aac eng
2103 aac eng 
2100  2101    2021-04-15 +
HBO 3 HD Central Europe U.S.A. Filmler Akta Conax 1212 2201 2202 aac cze
2203 aac eng 
2200  2201    2022-01-18 +
Wau HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 1215 2501 2502 aac slk
2503 aac mul 
2500  2501    2022-01-25 +
JOJ Cinema HD Slovakia Filmler A1 Broadcasting Conax 1221 3101 3102 aac cze
3103 aac mul 
3100  3101    2022-02-01 +
RTVS Sport HD Slovakia Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1224 3401 3402 aac slk
3403 aac slk
3404 aac mis
3405 aac slk 
3400  3401    2025-02-20 +
Sport 2 HD Czechia Çekiye Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 1228 3801 3802 aac cze
3803 aac slk 
3800  3801    2022-02-01 +
16.0°E 5Eutelsat 16A 11139.00VB06Europe BDVB-S28PSK27500 3/5Network 366, 48.9 Mb/s 36652012 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
Vesti Russia Haberler Pink International
Total TV
Irdeto 2
51 551 651  251  551    2025-03-04 +
Pink Premium Sırbistan Filmler Pink International
Total TV
Irdeto 2
57 557 657 ser  257  557    2025-03-04 +
Pink Sırbistan Genel Pink International
Total TV
Irdeto 2
72 572 672 ser  272  572  872  2025-03-04 +
Red HD Serbia Sırbistan Genel Pink International
Total TV
Irdeto 2
78 578 678 ser  278  578    2025-03-04 +
Narodna TV HD Hırvatistan Genel Pink International
Total TV
Irdeto 2
107 2657 2757 cro  2357  2657    2025-03-04 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 11231.00VC02Europe ADVB-S2QPSK42000 5/6Total TV Network, 69.5 Mb/s 36640200 KingOfSat charts update form
CineStar TV 2 HD Sırbistan Filmler Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
756 256 3561 ser
3562 cro 
156  256    2024-07-28 +
National Geographic HD East Europe İngiltere Belgeseller Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
761 261 3611 eng  161  261    2024-07-28 +
National Geographic HD East Europe İngiltere Belgeseller Total TV Conax 763 261 3611 eng  180  8191    2024-07-28 +
HGTV HD Polonya Lifestyle Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
764 264 3641 eng  164  264    2024-07-28 +
TLC Balkans HD İngiltere Belgeseller Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
776 276 3761 eng  176  276    2024-07-28 +
BN TV HD Bosna Hersek Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
782 52 51 ser  182  52    2024-09-25 +
16.0°E 2Eutelsat 16A 11262.25HC03Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 2/3TEAM:SAT, 58.1 Mb/s 3661 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Jazeera Balkans HD Bosna Hersek Haberler Team:Media sifresiz 101 1649 1651 bos  1648  1649    2020-05-18 +
Fashion TV
Fransa Lifestyle Team:Media sifresiz 115 1873 1875 eng  1872  1873    2024-07-02 +
16.0°E 17Eutelsat 16A 11283.00VC04Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 2/3EUTELSAT 16°E, 59.4 Mb/s 36640400 KingOfSat charts update form
FilmBox Premium HD Çekiye Filmler Antik Sat
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2701 1101 1102 eng  1100  1101    2020-11-03 +
Dizi TV HD Turkiye Takdim A1 Broadcasting Conax 2702 1201 1202 tur
1203 ara 
1264  1201    2020-10-03 +
Dizi HD A1 HR Conax 2703 1201 1202 tur
1203 ara 
1265  1201    2020-10-02
Dizi HD Digit Alb Conax 2704 1201 1202 tur
1203 ara 
1262  1201    2021-01-25
Gametoon HD undefined Oyun Digit Alb Conax 2705 3401 3402 eng  3467  3401    2019-08-28 +
FightBOX HD Bulgaristan Filmler Digit Alb Conax 2706 2301 2302 eng  2362  2301    2019-08-19 +
Filmbox HD Polonya Filmler Antik Sat
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2710 2001 2002 eng  2062  2001    2020-11-03 +
DocuBOX HD Bulgaristan Belgeseller Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2711 2101 2102 eng
2103 rus 
2100  2101    2019-08-27 +
Fastnfunbox HD Bulgaristan Entertainment Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2712 2201 2202 eng
2203 rus
2204 tur 
2200  2201    2019-08-27 +
FightBOX HD Bulgaristan Filmler Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2713 2301 2302 eng
2303 rus
2304 pol
2305 tur 
2300  2301    2019-08-27 +
EroXXX HD Bulgaristan Adult Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2714 2401 2402 eng  2400  2401    2019-08-27 +
360 TuneBox HD U.S.A. Müzik Digit Alb Conax 2716 1501 1502 vo  1561  1501    2019-08-19 +
FAST&FUN Box HD Digit Alb Conax 2726 2201 2202 eng  2261  2201    2019-11-13
Filmbox Extra HD Hungary Macaristan Filmler Antik Sat Conax 2728 2001 2002 eng  2064  2001    2018-08-11 +
Gametoon HD Antik Sat
Total TV
Irdeto 2
2729 3401 3402 eng  3463  3401    2020-11-03
FilmBox Premium HD Digit Alb Conax 2730 1101 1102 eng  1160  1101    2021-03-20
DocuBOX HD Bulgaristan Belgeseller Digit Alb Conax 2731 2101 2102 eng  2160  2101    2021-03-18 +
16.0°E 10Eutelsat 16A 11324.00VC06Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 2/3EUTELSAT 16A, 59.4 Mb/s 36640600 KingOfSat charts update form
Jednotka HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2001 1101 1102 aac slk
1103 aac mis 
1100  1101  1131  2025-03-08 +
Dvojka HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2002 1201 1202 aac slk
1203 aac mis 
1200  1201  1231  2025-03-08 +
Markiza HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2003 1301 1302 aac slk
1303 aac mul 
1300  1301  1331  2025-03-08 +
J@J HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2004 1401 1402 aac slk
1403 aac mul 
1400  1401  1431  2025-03-08 +
Doma HD Slovakia Seriler A1 Broadcasting Conax 2005 1501 1502 aac slk
1503 aac mul 
1500  1501    2025-03-08 +
J@J PLUS HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2006 1601 1602 aac slk
1603 aac mul 
1600  1601  1631  2025-03-08 +
Dajto HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2007 1701 1702 aac slk
1703 aac mul 
1700  1701  1731  2025-03-08 +
Markiza Krimi HD Slovakia Seriler A1 Broadcasting Conax 2009 1901 1902 aac slk  1900  1901    2025-03-08 +
TA3 HD Slovakia Genel A1 Broadcasting Conax 2012 2201 2202 aac slk  2200  2201    2025-03-08 +
MCM Top HD Fransa Müzik A1 Broadcasting Conax 2016 2601 2602 fra  2600  2601  2641  2025-03-08 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 11386.75HC09Europe BDVB-S28PSK32000 3/4Total TV Network, 71.3 Mb/s 36640900 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
Marquee TV HD undefined Çeşitli Total TV Irdeto 2
1661 261 3611  161  261    2024-12-17 +
Nova TV HD Croatia Hırvatistan Genel Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1662 262 3621 cro  162  262  562  2024-05-31 +
Cinemania HD Serbia Sırbistan Filmler Total TV Irdeto 2
1666 266 3661 ser  166  266    2024-05-31 +
Kanal A HD Slovenia Slovenia Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
1667 267 3671 slo  167  267  567  2024-05-31 +
Nova M Makedonya Entertainment Total TV Irdeto 2
1671 271 3711 mac  171  271  571  2024-05-31 +
Star Channel Adria HD Sırbistan Entertainment Total TV Irdeto 2
1673 273 3731 eng  173  273    2024-06-05 +
16.0°E 8Eutelsat 16A 11402.00VC10Europe BDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
O Kanal Bosna Hersek Çeşitli Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4001 4209 4211 bos  4208  4209    2024-10-19 +
Nova BH Bosna Hersek Entertainment Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4003 4273 4275 bos  4272  4273    2024-07-07 +
BN TV HD Bosna Hersek Genel Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4004 4097 4099 bos  4096  4097    2024-07-07 +
OBN Bosna Hersek Genel Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4006 4193 4195 bos  4192  4193    2024-10-19 +
Hit TV BH Bosna Hersek Entertainment Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4010 4161 4163 bos  4160  4161    2024-10-19 +
RTV USK Bosna Hersek Genel Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4013 4321 4323 aac  4320  4321    2024-07-07 +
RTV BPK Bosna Hersek Bölgesel Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4014 4145 4147 bos  4144  4145    2024-10-19 +
Hercegovacka TV Bosna Hersek Genel Dasto Semtel sifresiz 4015 4241 4243 bos  4240  4241    2024-10-19 +
16.0°E 4Eutelsat 16A 11470.75HD01Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4Total TV Network, 66.8 Mb/s 36650100 KingOfSat charts update form
Pop TV HD Slovenia Slovenia Entertainment Total TV Irdeto 2
858 258 3581 slo  158  258    2022-01-17 +
Doku TV HD undefined Belgeseller Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
868 268 3681  168  268    2022-11-10 +
SK 1 HD Sırbistan Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
874 274 3741 ser  174  274  574  2021-05-01 +
IDJ TV HD Sırbistan Çeşitli Total TV Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
876 276 3761 ser  176  276    2022-11-10 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 11470.75VD02Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6EUTELSAT 16°E, 74.4 Mb/s 36650200 KingOfSat charts update form
SK Premium HD Sırbistan Genel Antik Conax 605 1501 1502 slk  1500  1501    2024-12-28 +
Eurosport 1 HD Fransa Spor A1 Broadcasting Conax 606 1601 1602 cze
1603 eng
1604 bul 
1600  1601    2024-12-28 +
RiK HD Slovakia Genel Conax 609 1901 1902 slk  1900  1901    2024-12-28 +
Suryoyo Sat İsveç Çeşitli A1 Broadcasting sifresiz 613 2301 2302  2300  2301    2025-01-10 +
Investigation Discovery HD İngiltere Belgeseller Conax 622 1301 1322 cze
1302 eng 
1361  1301    2024-12-28 +
STAR Movies Adria HD Sırbistan Filmler Conax 648 5801 5802 eng  5800  5801    2024-12-28 +
16.0°E 3Eutelsat 16A 11512.00HD03Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4T-Com Croatia, 65.3 Mb/s 641 KingOfSat charts update form
Arena Sport 10 HD Hırvatistan Spor Nagravision 3 66 2872 2616 cro  580  2872    2025-03-08 +
Arena Sport 3 HD Hırvatistan Spor Max TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
108 2824 2600 eng  551  2824    2025-03-08 +
MAX Sport 1 Bulgaristan Spor Max TV Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
217 2857 2601 aac cro  553  2857    2025-03-08 +
16.0°E 4Eutelsat 16A 11512.25VD04Europe BDVB-S28PSK29950 2/3SRTV, 58 Mb/s 1200 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
TVR 1 HD Romanya Genel Conax 15 1500 1510 rom  7015  1500    2024-12-28 +
TVR Info Romanya Haberler Conax 18 1800 1810 rom  7018  1800  117  2024-12-28 +
TVR Cultural Romanya Kültür Conax 19 1900 1910 rom  7019  1900  117  2024-12-28 +
TVR Folclor Romanya Entertainment sifresiz 20 1600 1610 rom  7016  1600  118  2024-12-28 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 11553.75HD05Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4Total TV Network, 66.8 Mb/s 36650500 KingOfSat charts update form
RTS 1 HD Serbia Sırbistan Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
1751 251 3511 ser  151  251  551  2021-10-02 +
RTS 2 HD Serbia Sırbistan Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
1752 252 3521 ser  152  252  552  2021-10-02 +
TV Slovenija 1 HD Slovenia Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
1756 256 3561 slo  156  256  556  2022-03-19 +
Nova S HD Sırbistan Entertainment Total TV Irdeto 2
1764 264 3641 ser  164  264    2021-10-02 +
STAR Crime Serbia HD Sırbistan Seriler Total TV Irdeto 2
1772 272 3721 ser  172  272    2023-10-02 +
24 Kitchen HD Portekiz Yemek Total TV Irdeto 2
1773 273 3731 eng  173  273    2021-10-02 +
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 11554.00VD06Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 5/674.4 Mb/s 36650600 KingOfSat charts update form
RiK HD Slovakia Genel A1 HR Conax 1803 1301 1302 slk  1300  1301    2024-12-28 +
Arena Sport 2 HD Hırvatistan Spor Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1808 1801 1802 cro  1800  1801    2025-01-18 +
Hustler HD Italya Adult Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
1809 1901 1902 ita  1900  1901    2025-01-18 +
HRT 3 HD Hırvatistan Genel Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1812 2201 2202 cro  2200  2201  2231  2024-12-28 +
HRT 4 HD Hırvatistan Genel A1 HR Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1842 5101 5102 cro  5100  5101  5131  2024-12-28 +
CineStar Premiere HD Hırvatistan Filmler Conax 1847 5701 5702 cro  5700  5701    2024-12-28 +
16.0°E 4Eutelsat 16A 11595.25HD07Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 642 KingOfSat charts update form
MAX Sport 2 Bulgaristan Spor Max TV Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
80 974 2567 aac  33  974    2022-11-10 +
Arena 7 HD Hırvatistan Spor Max TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
81 2849 2593 cro  577  2849    2022-02-01 +
HRT 2 HD Hırvatistan Genel Max TV
Total TV
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
100 2841 2617 cro  569  2841  128  2022-11-10 +
TVCG 1 Sırbistan Genel Max TV sifresiz 155 2896 2640 ser  592  2896    2022-10-15 +
16.0°E 3Eutelsat 16A 11595.25VD08Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4Total TV Network, 66.8 Mb/s 36630203 KingOfSat charts update form
CineStar Premiere HD Hırvatistan Filmler Total TV Irdeto 2
1364 264 3641 ser
3642 cro 
164  264    2024-12-28 +
Cinestar Premiere 2 HD Hırvatistan Filmler Total TV Irdeto 2
1366 266 3661 ser
3662 cro 
166  266    2024-12-28 +
Nova Sport HD Çekiye Spor Total TV Irdeto 2
1372 272 3721 ser
3722 bos
3723 cro 
172  272    2025-01-18 +
16.0°E 8Eutelsat 16A 11636.00VD9Europe ADVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 36651000 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
HRT 1 HD Hırvatistan Genel OIV Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 3.0
3401 111 112 cro  110  111  115  2023-07-17 +
HRT 2 HD Hırvatistan Genel OIV Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 3.0
3402 121 122 cro  120  121  125  2023-07-17 +
HRT 3 HD Hırvatistan Genel OIV Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 3.0
3403 131 132 cro  130  131  135  2023-07-17 +
HRT 4 HD Hırvatistan Genel OIV sifresiz 3404 141 142 cro  140  141  145  2021-08-10 +
HRT International HD Hırvatistan Genel OIV sifresiz 3406 161 162 cro  160  161    2021-01-13 +
SLO1 HD Slovenia Genel RTV SLOVENIJA sifresiz
Viaccess 3.0
3431 411 412 slo  410  411  415  2019-12-15 +
SLO2 HD Slovenia Genel RTV SLOVENIJA sifresiz
Viaccess 3.0
3432 421 422 slo  420  421  415  2019-12-29 +
SLO3 HD Slovenia Genel RTV SLOVENIJA sifresiz
Viaccess 3.0
3433 431 432 slo  430  431  415  2019-12-15 +
16.0°E 15Eutelsat 16A 11637.00HD09Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6Eutelsat 16A, 74.4 Mb/s 36650900 KingOfSat charts update form
History İngiltere Belgeseller A1 Broadcasting Conax 1902 1201 1202 cze
1204 eng 
1200  1201    2022-02-01 +
Body In Balance Almanya Lifestyle A1 Broadcasting Conax 1903 1301 1302 eng
1303 slk 
1300  1301    2023-04-13 +
RiC International HD Almanya Çeşitli A1 Broadcasting Conax 1904 1401 1402 eng
1403 ger 
1400  1401    2025-03-06 +
24 Kitchen HD Portekiz Yemek A1 HR Conax 1905 1501 1502 cro  1500  1501    2023-11-17 +
TravelXP HD undefined Belgeseller A1 Broadcasting Conax 1906 1601 1602 eng  1600  1601    2022-02-01 +
History İngiltere Belgeseller Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
1909 1201 1204 eng  1261  1201    2021-10-02 +
Arena Sport 10 HD Hırvatistan Spor A1 HR Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1912 2201 2202 cro  2200  2201    2022-04-30 +
Arena HD Almanya Spor A1 Broadcasting sifresiz 1920 3001 3002 slk  3000  3001    2024-03-05 +
HBO HD Direct2Home Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1924 3401 3402 eng
3421 eng
3404 slo
3405 mac
3406 ser 
3400  3401    2021-12-28
HBO 2 HD Direct2Home Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1925 3501 3502 eng
3521 eng
3504 slo
3505 mac
3506 ser 
3500  3501    2022-04-30
Cinemax HD Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1926 3601 3602 cro
3605 slo
3606 ser 
3660  3601    2021-10-02
Cinemax 2 HD Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1927 3701 3702 cro
3705 slo
3706 ser 
3700  3701    2021-10-02
Cinemax 2 HD Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Conax 1938 3701 3704 cze  3761  3701    2021-10-02
HBO 3 HD Central Europe U.S.A. Filmler Direct2Home
Total TV
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
1942 5201 5202 cro
5203 slo
5204 ser
5206 mac
5221 eng 
5200  5201    2021-10-02 +
Cinemax HD Eastern Europe Polonya Filmler Antik Sat
OrangeSat Slovakia
Conax 1946 3601 3604 cze  3662  3601    2021-10-02 +
16.0°E 5Eutelsat 16A 11678.00VD10Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4Total TV Network, 66.8 Mb/s 36630204 KingOfSat charts update form
HBO Adria HD Bulgaristan Filmler Total TV Irdeto 2
1454 254 3541 ser
3542 cro
3543 slo
3544 eng
3545 mac 
154  254    2025-01-18 +
HBO 2 HD Adria U.S.A. Filmler Total TV Irdeto 2
1455 255 3551 ser
3552 cro
3553 slo
3554 mac
3555 eng 
155  255    2024-12-28 +
Discovery HD Europe İngiltere Belgeseller Total TV Conax
Irdeto 2
1456 256 3561 eng  156  256    2024-12-28 +
Star Life Serbia HD Sırbistan Entertainment Total TV Irdeto 2
1463 263 3631 eng  163  263    2024-12-28 +
N1 Serbia HD Sırbistan Genel Total TV Irdeto 2
1466 266 3661 ser  166  266    2025-01-18 +
16.0°E 5Eutelsat 16A 11678.25HD11Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4T-Com Croatia, 65.3 Mb/s 643 KingOfSat charts update form
Arena 9 HD Hırvatistan Spor Max TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
71 2869 2613 cro  579  2869    2022-02-03 +
Adria Music Television HD undefined Müzik Max TV sifresiz 132 2911 2655  38  2911    2025-03-01 +
Arena 5 HD Sırbistan Spor Max TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
190 2818 2562 ser  513  2818    2021-07-14 +
RTL Hrvatska
Hırvatistan Genel Max TV
Total TV
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
291 2844 2588 cro  539  2844  3356  2020-10-31 +
Arena 1 HD Sırbistan Spor Max TV Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
412 2843 2587 cro
3611 eng 
538  2843    2022-02-03 +
16.0°E 2Eutelsat 16A 12567.35VF02Europe BDVB-S2QPSK16664 2/321.5 Mb/s 3300 KingOfSat charts update form

Credo TV Romanya Din Djemba ITC sifresiz 15 1500 1510 rom  7015  1500    2021-06-16 +
Alfa Omega TV Romanya Bölgesel Djemba IT C sifresiz 16 1600 1610 eng  7016  1600    2024-06-04 +
16.0°E 3Eutelsat 16A 12639.00HF03Europe BDVB-S28PSK10833 3/519.3 Mb/s 3661 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
RTSH 1 HD Arnavutluk Genel RTSH sifresiz 110 111 112 alb  110  111    2019-01-27 +
RTSH 24 Arnavutluk Haberler RTSH sifresiz 140 141 142 alb  140  141    2019-01-27 +
RTSH Shkolle HD Arnavutluk Kültür RTSH sifresiz 240 241 242 alb  240  241    2020-09-17 +
16.0°E 1Eutelsat 16A 12693.00HF05Europe BDVB-S2QPSK2222 4/53.4 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
SNAI Quad Race Italya Yarış EPQ sifresiz 1 512 4112 ita  256  768    2023-07-13 +
16.0°E 4Eutelsat 16A 12700.00HF05Europe BDVB-SQPSK9880 2/3Test Epiqa a, 12.1 Mb/s 1101 KingOfSat charts update form
SNAI Virtuali Mosaic Italya Yarış sifresiz 1 710   256  710    2022-05-07 +
SNAI Virtuali 2 Italya Yarış sifresiz 5 510 500
5005  510    2021-04-22 +
SNAI Virtuali 3 Italya Yarış sifresiz 55 33 34  5055  33    2024-06-22 +
SNAI Virtuali 1 Italya Yarış sifresiz 57 910 901 ita  5057  910    2021-04-22 +
16.0°E 2Eutelsat 16A 12724.00HF05Europe BDVB-S2QPSK4100 3/4Test Teleippica, 6 Mb/s 65535101 KingOfSat charts update form
Teleippica 1 Italya Yarış PowerVu 101 710 700 ita  5101  710    2022-09-21 +
Teleippica 2 Italya Yarış PowerVu 102 810 800 ita  5102  810    2022-09-21 +



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